Events on 11-06-2022

  • We start off from last session where the heroes found Shek almost dead.  After they healed him up he whispered “I was ambushed by the gladiators.”
  •  Fought the Gladiators (nice was a nice place for an ambush)
  • Some weapons and armor on the Gladiators
  • ADDITIONAL: There are tatoos on each of the Gladiator/Barbarians.  Shek translates the markings and they indicate that these men are slaves that are from the Gulg region.  The tatoos are fairly colorful but mostly green in color, depicting a tree or forest (depending on the tatoo).
  • ADDITIONAL: Shek reveals that Gulg is where we are going, so he doubts that this is a coincidence.  

Events on 10-2-2022

  • The heroes carefully approach the Tomb
  • The helmed horrors fly off of the tomb and attack.
  • While uncovering the tablet, treasure is found: 1500 cp, a bone scepter engraved with a labyrinth, an ivory orb inlaid with electrum, the second tablet.
  • Sounds are heard from beyond the wall.
  • Group starts to dig into the rubble.
  • The crypt has several bodies in it, and they searched around.  Found some documents in a different language, and two maps.
  • Found Shek, almost dead, healed him up.
  • Shek announced that he was ambused by the Gladiators.

Events on 9-4-2022

  • Wake up, got outta bed, killed two Ettins, killed ’em dead!
  • Explored the remaining chambers of the cave.
  • Exited the caves and a trio of street urchins from Altaruk informed the group that they are to now proceed to the tomb near Ablath.
  • The Party refreshes their supplies and catch a ride to Ablath (city state)
  • Our heroes left the caravan early in order to see the tomb. 
  • This tomb is actually an ancient tribute to a long forgotten Sorcerer King of a city state lost to the sands of Athas.
    • He reviled in his status and loved to be treated like a God and this “tribute” to him was actually initiated by his command.
    • It has fallen into disrepair.
  • Bones noticed that the pillars (35′ high) are covered in runes.  After closer inspection, these seem to be very similar to the tablets.
  • Right before the entrance to the tribute area, they spot four Helmed Horrors.  
  • They are clad in Braxat Bone armor and wield blood onyx long swords.


Events on 7-17-2022

  • The party has decided to search the ruins further before moving on.
  • Quickly dispatches a giant fire beetle
  • later enters the passage and take out several more giant fire beetles, everyone has collected the glands as a light source. They last for at least a few hours.
  • They find some corpses in the hallway, and the sound of ettins growling ahead. mwahahaha!
  • Three ettins attack the party and are dispatched
  • Further exploration of the site leads to a pair of Beast-head Giants attacking.
  • They are able to force the giants into a passage and overpower them.
  • Treasure if found down in the well (see below)

Treasure found:

  • A strange brass egg marked with strange symbols
  • An empty crystalline flask which weighs more than it should
  • 400 cp
  • A small pewter cage which holds a dead parrot
  • A single silk glove which smells of strange incense
  • Statuette of a Raven made of silver

  • ROPE OF CLIMBING (Wondrous item, uncommon)
    • This 60-foot length of silk rope weighs 3 pounds and can hold up to 3,000 pounds. If you hold one end of the rope and use an action to speak the command word, the rope animates. As a bonus action, you can command the other end to move toward a destination you choose. That end moves 10 feet on your turn when you first command it and 10 feet on each of your turns until reaching its destination, up to its maximum length away, or until you tell it to stop. You can also tell the rope to fasten itself securely to an object or to unfasten itself, to knot or un-knot itself, or to coil itself for carrying. If you tell the rope to knot, large knots appear at 1-foot intervals along the rope. While knotted, the rope shortens to a 50-foot length and grants advantage on checks made to climb it. The rope has AC 20 and 20 hit points. It regains 1 hit point every 5 minutes as long as it has at least 1 hit point. If the rope drops to 0 hit points, it is destroyed

Events on 6-12-2022

  • The party gets back on the road to Altaruk- Meets with the contact
  • “Luga” has asked the party to collect 3 tablets –
    • Tablet 1 – Ruins near Altaruk
    • Tablet 2 – Tomb near Ablath
    • Tablet 3 Fort Kalvis
  • They travel to the ruins near Altaruk
  • Attacked by 2 Ettins and a Beasthead Giant
  • Found a cache of iron weapons: 3 scimitars, a shield and 2 daggers. (this is quite valuable, but they need to be repaired)
  • Many other items may be available, but the camp will need to be exhaustively searched. Mostly just journals and misc archeological equipment. Who knows who might find this useful.
  • The party has decided to search the ruins further before moving on.

Events on 5-1-2022

  • Travel- Met with Yalana sent them to the city to meet with a contact
  • Stand by the well in the merchant halls (on the west side)
  • They stop at a little village called Dreg’s Roost
  • After finding a room in the inn, they turn in.  it’s been a long day of walking- up early in the morning and they are immediately attacked by a group led by a templar
  • Several Half Giants and a group of humans try to attack the group
  • The templar is put down in a quick exchange and the group is victorious
  • The inquisitor Bones, finds out from the templar that they were sent from the Sorcerer King of Ablath.
  • Also, that the SK wants them dead because they have thwarted their plans with the Gith armies.
  • TR: 250 CPs, and a silver bracelet with a red gem
  • they gave the money and the items that they found (save the bracelet) to the mercants