Summary 4/29 (10/10 milestones)

  • The heroes rested in the crypt and prepared to return the Lantern to the palace as instructed.
  • they kill some raiders
  • the leader stands at the gate and demands the latern.
  • Conan threatens back.
  • 🏆 Return the Lantern of Oba to the Gulgans (Omirran)
  • 🏆 Discover the secret of the Oba

Summary 12/31, 01/07,21,28, 2/04,25

(8/10 milestones)

  • 🏆 Escaped to the surface from the Mind Flayer hive.
  • 🏆 Shek convinced the heroes to surrender the githyanki swords and he leaves the group.
  • Found that the city of Gulg is under attack by other factions: The Sorrowful, Undead Horde (ruled by the Skull Lords), Raiders from the Mekillot Mountains.
  • 🏆 They met delegate Omirran who described the problem with the Sorrowsworn and offered to pardon the heroes in exchange for retrieving the Lantern of Oba.
  • The Lantern is hidden in the Reliquary, which is located in the Templar Crypt.
  • They find the the Crypt  and the reliquary have been compromised
  • 🏆 After a number of encounters with Sorrowsworn, they are able to find and retrieve the Lantern of Oba.

Summary 10/22 (4/10 milestones)

  • Current Objective: Escape to the surface / Gulg.
  • They started exploring the dungeon, and found more Charmed Muls.
  • The Muls largely ignored them until they opened the door of the room.
  • The happened a more then once.  Also encountered Gulgan soldiers who behaved similarly.
  • Found several rooms of interest including a shrine to what some people is worshiping the creature in the “goo” at Gram’s laboratory.  Also, found a sleeping room with two Mind Flayers!
  • A battle ensued where the Mind Flayers were slain, but first they unleashed a Mind Blast that rendered half of the party “stunned” for the battle.
  • After the Mind Flayers were slain, Shek seemed to behave strangely, and it appears that Mind Flayers are somehow his arch nemesis (even through he’d never seen one before.  Also, the silver great sword that he is using is now able to inflict psychic damage and the runes glow.
  • 🏆 Discovered Mind Flayers

Summary 10/15 (3/10 milestones)

  • Current objective : Escape to the surface / Gulg.
  • Our heroes have found the secret passage across the mysterious pool in Gram’s laboratory.
  • While travelling through the caverns, they encounter a number of Muls who are apparently charmed and take no interest in them. They kill some of them, but they still offer no resistance.
  • They are then attacked by two small Behirs.
  • They continue on through the caves and found a large number of Gulgan soldiers and Templars (Nganga).
  • They are then attacked by two stone golems who are apparently guardians of the dungeon.
  • They notice a couple of very strange messages in an indecipherable language on the wall.  Herre and Klem were able to figure them out.
  • One of the messages gave off a kind of psychic impression of “Nursery” and “Spoiled”, the other gave off the impression of “Invaders” or perhaps “Occupied Territory”.
  • 🏆Discovered secret passage in underground temple
  • 🏆Defeated Behirs and Stone Golems
  • 🏆Decoded secret message(s) in caves.

Summary 09/10 (0/10 milestones)

  • I owe you a summary