Events of 2-12-2023 (10/10 milestones)

  • Decent into the hidden prison
  • Carefully scouted out the entrance halls to the prison, until they encountered a cell with spikes around the walls and pillars.  The adjoining room housed a Gaj, which they released and defeated.
  • Welcome to level 7

Events of 2-05-2023 (completed 8 of 10 milestones)

  • Found the hidden fortress where the attack on the road originated
  • Defeated guards including two Nganga and a Boneclaw
  • Discovered the entrance to the hidden prison.
  • Great combat tactics and a couple of other milestones!

Events of 1-15-2023 (completed 5 of 10 milestones)

  • Our heroes diverged from the straight route to Gulg and visited a small Gulgan village known as a “dagda”. The villagers were very interested in the visitors and treated them with every kindness. Even Shek was respected and pampered (much to his surprise)
  • The children gave Shek one of there toys known as a Taloo. It’s a small tube that acts much like a kaleidoscope and children entertain themselves by making various pictures from a set of small tiles. Shek thinks that this simple toy might be very important as the skills and matierals needed to product such a sophisticated object are beyond those that the people in the Dagda possess.
  • Most Gulgans are equipped with spears and simple grass based armor, however they are skilled fighters and their Templars of Lalali-Puy (la-LA-li-pwee) known as “Nganga” are very powerful.
  • They leave the village and proceed to Gulg
  • On the road they are ambushed by Gulgans that attack from the trees. They defeat the attackers, but now they have a direction to travel. They discover a map leading them to a destination.

Events of 1-08-2023

  • searched around the keep found: a blood-stained map of the Crypts of the Shadow Empress, 200 CPs, deed to Ft Kalvis
  • Shek says that people of Gulg don’t like “Gith” and might kill him on sight.
  • They stayed overnight to rest up and another Boneclaw attacked in the night.
  • Other than that, they only encountered a couple of looters.
  • During “routine searching” they found various items including a deed to Ft Kalvis, looks like they are going to attempt to secure some property.
  • They waited for a trade caravan to come through (much more rare in these parts) and now they are traveling into Gulg.

Events of 11-13-2022

  • They travel to Ft Kalvis, they met up with a caravan near Altaruk and proceeded to the Fort.
  • Upon arriving, they see from a distance that something is amiss. Smoke is rising from the fort
  • The fort has been breached and several of the towers, walls and doors have been destroyed.
  • They investigate and discover that everyone is dead and there are some zombies in the ruins.
  • Conan chopped off everyone’s head.
  • As they search the fort they keep finding more bodies and more zombies
  • A group of farmers come into the camp, they warn that someone (or something) is coming
  • Conan discovered Shek’s dead friend Qustu tied to a tree.  There is a defiler’s ring of ash around the tree that he is tied to.
  • Not so suddenly … a group of Zombies attack from the south.
  • They are attacked by a Templar and Boneclaw and they take out everyone.
  • They find the tablet.
  • Next stop GULG